Promotions may be offered seasonally or for a limited time. We may also promote spontaneous deals and discounts on our social media. Promotions can not be combined unless specifically specified.
Early Bird Discount! Reserve your whale watch at least 3 days early & save 10%! Use code EARLYBIRD at checkout (Can Combine w/ Other Discounts)
Afternoon Discount! Reserve a afternoon whale watch & save 10%! Use code AFTERNOON at checkout
Group Discount! Groups of 6 or more can save 10% with our Group discount! Use code GROUP at checkout
EMS personel, active military, teachers & police save 5% w/ our professional discount! Bring valid I.D. & use code PROFESSIONAL at checkout (Can Combine w/ other discounts)
Islanders Discount! Save 25% if you live on Orcas Island! Please bring valid Orcas Island drivers licnece as proof & use code ISLANDER at checkout!
What to Expect
Beautiful views of shorelines, and a relaxing tour of the San Juans
Plenty of opportunities to see whales & wildlife!
A highly experienced captain & crew to introduce you to the islands from the water.
Dress in layers, it can get hot & cold on the water!